Leia’s sustainable yard is not only beautiful, it is a source of wonder for her and her young daughter to explore. Together, they search for insect larvae, pollinators, and toads!

She replanted volunteer squash that sprouted from her compost pile. Elderberry and gooseberry produce fruit for the birds. Tomatoes and a lemon tree are grown in pots.

Leia advises that “it’s great to network with other gardeners but be careful about jumping worms. Sharing seeds instead of plants can help reduce sharing pests.” When she finds these pests on her plants, she puts them in a repurposed bird bath. The birds gobble them right up.

Last season Leia focused on water management; installing rain barrels and a french drain.

Leia’s sustainable yard includes:
- Wild geranium
- Yarrow
- Black-eyed susan
- Black oak
- Honey locust
- Little bluestem
- Sedge
- Ostrich ferns
- Bee balm
- Echinacea

- Bleeding heart
- Prairie smoke
- Swamp milkweed
- Woodland sunflower
- Cone flower
- Early meadow rue
- Culver’s root
- Jack in the pulpit
- Blue vervain
- Bottle brush
- Insect hotel
- Compost